Jörg Hawlitzeck
„The only revolution that is effective is the one taking place within yourself.“
Philanthropist out of persuasion: Civil service with handicapped people. Prolonged sojourns in the USA, France, Russia and India. Studies of Philosophy, French and German Literature. Active in tourism and at the theatre (on and off stage). Journalist. Trainer for adult education and university lecturer. Formation to become a trainer with Dieter Weichl (Culture Management, Cologne). Founder of Business Culture Hawlitzeck & Weichl PartG.
The one starting revolutions within himself gives his surrounding a chance for change. And hence the whole is more than the sum of its parts, the development of each and everyone of us produces a change of the community, society, organization. To initiate and guide this process and to be enthused by the results, is really a gift.